Are you at the top of your game when it comes to lead creation, but you're not closing as many deals?

Your prospect nurturing strategies might need to be updated.

Let's face it: generating B2B leads is a difficult procedure. Due to the numerous stakeholders and greater stakes, the typical B2B sales cycle is lengthy. Additionally, losing leads as they come in would negate the time, money, and effort you put into lead generation initiatives.

For you to effectively convert them through increased engagement and guide them through the sales funnel, you must make sure that you have a lead nurturing strategy in place.

Yet how? The best lead nurturing techniques will be covered in this article to increase lead conversion.

5 Lead Nurturing Techniques to Increase Lead Conversions

Each lead is unique. They are all present at various phases of the sales funnel and have various needs and expectations from the company. This means that your lead nurturing campaigns won't be successful if you take a one-size-fits-all strategy.

To segment your prospects, use your B2B sales funnel as a guide.

• Non-qualified leads - These are leads about which you know little, and you need to encourage particular actions to assess their likelihood of making a buy.
• Leads who have taken an action, such as viewing your website or downloading an eBook, are referred to as action-qualified leads. You can model your subsequent interactions after these behaviours.
• Marketing-qualified leads (MQLs) - MQLs have expressed real interest in your product, so you need to provide them with more information or exclusive deals.

• Sales-qualified leads (SQLs) – Last but not least, SQLs are leads that have demonstrated a strong desire to purchase and can be forwarded to the sales team.

Lead scoring is the process of giving your leads a score or rating based on the actions they have done. The more important the action is to your sales procedure, the higher the score.

For instance, a lead who requests a free trial is more likely to make a purchase and can therefore be rated higher than a lead who has just viewed your website. In other words, allocating a number enables you to choose the appropriate lead nurturing strategy when it is needed. Not to mention, it indicates which lead needs more focus and is more interested.

A effective B2B lead nurturing programme is built on lead nurturing content. You can draw leads and turn them into customers with the aid of interesting and practical content. All phases of the sales funnel, from the preliminary sales lead to the final client, should be catered to in your content.

Since each of your leads has unique requirements, problems to solve, and reasons for making a purchase, you can start by segmenting them and distributing highly-tailored content based on their preferences.

That is not all, though. The distinction can be enormous when using the appropriate marketing channel and messaging. You can share personalised emails based on the sales stage your customers are in, educate them with blogs, or engage them through website material based on their preferences. This will help ensure your leads are engaged at all points and have a further incentive to interact with you.

With the aid of marketing automation software and lead scoring, automation can identify quality prospects. Algorithms for scoring sales leads scan lead information automatically to find leads who are highly interested in each product category or sales stage. The lead conversion rates can be raised by adjusting lead nurturing tactics in light of this information.

In order to prioritise and follow up with the best leads, automation can also help you remain organised and keep track of your leads. In reality, you can use email automation to your advantage to share a follow-up email with leads who haven't interacted with your company in a while or automate emails when a lead visits your website.

Any strategy can be effective for lead fostering, but it necessitates a case-by-case examination of the client's requirements.

It is crucial to comprehend the customer's desires and requirements in order to best satisfy them. Analyzing your lead nurturing plan and perfecting your lead nurturing techniques are essential for effective lead nurturing.

Gather insightful comments from your leads and prospects to determine where you can make improvements. It makes sense to find out what your customers anticipate from your company since the ultimate goal is to have them return to you.


A sales team must comprehend buyer personas and lead personas for potential customers in order to nurture leads successfully. This will make it easier to create material that appeals to them and is convenient for them to consume.

By enabling salespeople to automate the lead nurturing process, technology like automation tools, email marketing, and landing pages are used to nurture prospects. Additionally, nurturing material must be pertinent to the buyer persona in order for the lead personas to readily relate to it.

You can maximise your marketing efforts and ensure that no leads escape through your sales pipeline by using the aforementioned strategies.


We are a Custom B2B data intelligence provider that enables establishments to achieve sustainable growth via an intent-based, data-driven solution.

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